Mr. Amit VatsConsultant Trauma and Lower Limb Surgeon

"I strongly believes that natural joint is the best joint. It is important to identify the problems early, adress and correct the underlying causes so that progression to full blown arthritis can be prevented or delayed. So don't ignore that knee pain. Seek help early. "
Mr. Vats joined Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust as Consultant Orthopaedic surgeon in 2019.He specialises in knee joint preservation and lower limb joint replacement surgery, complex trauma and lower limb reconstruction. His orthopaedic training was completed in the internationally acclaimed Major Trauma and Orthopaedic centre at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. His fellowship focused on preserving the knee joint, knee alignment surgery and knee replacement surgery including robotic ligament preserving partial knee replacement. His PhD in patient safety reflects his ceaseless efforts to make surgery safer for all NHS patients.
To know more about Mr. Amit Vats please visit